In the Bible, Jesus tells us that one thing matters more than anything else: listening to his teaching. Every time we meet together at St Helen’s we open the Bible and listen to what God has to say to us. As we encounter Jesus Christ our living saviour we encourage one another to respond to him in obedience and faith.
We would love you to be a part of one of our groups as we listen to Jesus' word in the Bible. There are a wide range of groups to cater for people at all ages and stages. You can find more information below or register your interest to join a group.
Many of our regular in-person meetings are also broadcast online. Find out everything you need to know on how to join us.
Whether you want to join St Helen's or are just looking in, we look forward to welcoming you. If you would like to find out more about life at St Helen's, please fill out our 'New to St Helen's form' and someone will be in touch.