Access St Helen's Bible teaching resources

God speaks to us today through his eternal word, the Bible. In the Bible we discover who Jesus is and hear what he has to say to us. We make all of our resources available to everyone to help people know God better.

If you use our resources, please acknowledge the source and please do not change the content without prior consent.

St Helen's resource library

Search our resource library for talk series, individual talks on audio and video, Bible study notes, training videos, articles and more. Our resource library has everything you need to help you understanding the Bible better.

If you enjoy using our resources, please consider partnering with us by supporting us financially.

St Helen's resource library - Access our resource library St Helen's resource library - Support our resource library

Resources for sceptics, enquirers, Christians and teachers

Catch up on talks

If you can’t make a service, or you want to catch up on a series, listening to talks is a great way to make time for God and learn more about him through his word.

Catch up on talks - Search all talks

St Helen's training

St Helen's training is aimed at helping people study and teach the Bible. Our 'Preaching Matters' and 'St Helen's training' videos can help you handle and teach the Bible.

St Helen's training - St Helen's training

Articles from St Helen's

Read articles written by St Helen's staff on Bible teaching and reflections from recent talks.

Articles from St Helen's - St Helen's articles

Material for teachers, parents and children

We would love to share with you our set of Bible teaching resources for children ages 3-5 and 5-11 and their Sunday school teachers. Matching Bible time booklets which the children can take home, help parents know what's being taught and open up the Bible with their children.

Material for teachers, parents and children - Resources

Access St Helen's resources anywhere

Bible Matters app

You can access all our resources and much more through our apps for mobile and tablet. We also have an app for Apple TV, where we publish the latest videos of our talks and training materials.

Bible Matters app - Bible Matters

Chrome extension

Download our extension for Google's Chrome browser. It makes it really easy to search our resources. After downloading, type 'Bible' in your browser and hit Tab on your keyboard. Then simply type your search query and then hit Enter on your keyboard.

Chrome extension - Chrome extension

St Helen's talks

Podcast apps

You can access all of our Sunday and midweek talks through iTunes, the Apple Podcast or Google Podcast apps and a number of other providers.


All of our Sunday talks and our midweek talks are published through Spotify.

Smart speakers

Our talks can be accessed on your Alexa.

  • First enable the skill with Alexa by saying, 'Alexa, enable St Helen's Bishopsgate'. Then to open in the future say, 'Alexa, open St Helen's Bishopsgate'.

RSS feeds

You can access St Helen's talks through RSS feeds. Both our Sunday talks RSS feed and midweek talks RSS feed are available.

St Helen's videos

Vimeo channel

All of our videos are available through the St Helen's Vimeo channel.

Vimeo channel - Vimeo channel

YouTube channel

Visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel to access St Helen's talk and training videos.

YouTube channel - YouTube channel

Clayton TV

Selected videos are published through Clayton TV, who publish free Bible teaching, music and courses for Christians around the world.

Clayton TV - Clayton TV

St Helen's books

St Helen's also publishes books, which are available through 10ofthose and a number of other booksellers.

 - Books by St Helen's