Our 2pm meeting is made up of Mandarin speakers of various ages and nationalities. Like the rest of the church family, we are all about the one thing that matters, knowing Jesus and making him known. Please do invite Mandarin speaking friends to join us, either on Sunday afternoons or at one of our other events.
福音之家是伦敦St Helen’s教会的普通话聚会。我们的成员来自不同民族、不同国家、不同年龄阶段,但是共同的语言把我们联合起来。和整个St Helen’s大家庭一样,我们渴望更加认识耶稣并且让更多人认识他。
The majority of Chinese people at St Helen’s are only in London for a few years. The 2pm Mandarin meeting shares the same convictions and aims as all the other St Helen’s congregations. Our main reason for running a separate Mandarin speaking meeting is to provide the most effective context in which to prepare men and women to eventually leave us as partners in the gospel.
Working in people’s mother tongue makes it easier for many to get more involved. We are also able to be more focused in applying the gospel to specific issues facing those returning to life in a different part of the world.
For those who prefer to get involved in one of the English speaking congregations, we would still warmly encourage any planning to return to a Mandarin speaking country to consider joining us for their last few months (as well as attending their usual Sunday meeting).
我们不是一个华人教会!我们深信福音改变一切,这也包括我们看待自己的方式。最重要的是我们在基督里的身份,而不是我们的民族和文化。我们有一个专门的中文聚会完全是因为语言的原因。我们属于St Helen’s教会多民族的大家庭,并和其他聚会紧密同工。
“福音之家” 顾名思义:
“福音”:我们以福音为中心。福音就是耶稣基督是神差来拯救世界的君王这一重大消息。整个St Helen’s大家庭渴望认识基督并且让更多人认识他。我们深信独一真神通过说话实现他的美意,所以我们注重话语和祷告的事工。
Sunday 12 January 2025
Sunday 5 January 2025
Sunday 29 December 2024
We meet at 2pm at St Helen's Church. Like all Sunday meetings, our time together centres around listening and responding to God’s word. As well as singing and praying, we also have a time of discussion after the sermon. There is also a crèche for children.
To ensure we offer the best possible care for the children, we have adopted the Diocese of London safeguarding policy. All our volunteers have been through the relevant screening procedures.
我们每周日常规在St Helen's Church聚会。我们的聚会内容一般包括祷告、诗歌、讲道、讨论等等。正式聚会在下午3:15点左右结束,但大部分人会留下来继续交流、讨论、享用茶点。
Most members of the 2pm meeting belong to International Growth Groups (IGG). These are available in English and Mandarin. Those looking into the Christian faith are welcome to join IGG.
大部分福音之家的成员会参加IGG国际成长小组查经。我们设有适合不同的人的不同小组,包括学生小组、在工作的人的小组以及正在探索基督信仰的朋友的小组。我们每周三晚上在St Andrew Undershaft聚会,7:00开始用餐,7:30开始查经,9:00左右正式结束。
At various points in the year we run guest events, including specific ones for City workers and students. These are designed for the whole church family to be able to invite friends to an event, where they will hear about Jesus Christ in Mandarin.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to hear about what's on at the 2pm!