Maidstone Commitments

On 3rd October 2022 the St Helen’s Parochial Church Council (PCC) confirmed that it had made the Maidstone Commitments and would work diligently to continue to meet them and to do so more fully. In particular at the foot of this website are links should anyone wish to raise any concerns of a safeguarding nature or for other complaints. Furthermore, the PCC’s complementarian convictions on men and women’s ministry means that the PCC has passed a resolution under the House of Bishop’s Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests in order to reflect its convictions on the distinctive ministry of men and women. As such we have benefitted from the ministry of the Bishop of Maidstone who has acted within the parameters of the London Plan and its Working Arrangements. Finally, for details of how as a church we have reviewed our own policies, processes, and culture over the past two years please see the Safeguarding update from the churchwardens announcement.

St Helen’s affirms the equality of men and women as created image-bearers of God and that the ministry of men and women is equally valid, valuable and necessary in God’s eyes. We also affirm that scripture teaches that there are proper differences in roles and responsibilities in marriage and Christian ministry. We want men and women to flourish in the Church, use their spiritual gifts, exercise leadership and have training for discipleship and ministry of the highest quality.